Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

Cambridge, England is a glorious place. When we visited during the rainy season, somehow we lucked out with it being a sunny day to explore. Our family took us on a little adventure. We punted down the back side of the Universities otherwise known as “the backs”, at least that is what I was told. I was in awe of the beautiful architecture.

Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

Above is a picture of the punts. According to the dictionary, a punt is a flat-bottom boat with a square-cut bow. It is designed for use in small rivers or shallow water. Punting is in reference to boating in a punt. The punter pushes against the river bed with a pole. We were in one punt with seven people. It was incredible!

Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

Of course as we were floating along, our great uncle broke out champagne, glasses and crisps. He is always full of fantastic surprises! The ducks were excited about the crisps. We laughed as they snatched them out of our hands.

Cambridge, England - Vivian and Violet

We can’t wait to go back and visit this gorgeous place again with the people we love. England has a special place in our heart!